
Dr. Nnaji teaches core construction engineering and management courses in undergraduate, masters, and Ph.D. programs.

Texas A & M Univeristy

COSC 464 - Construction Safety II (Fall)

Administration and application of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration Act in the construction industry; includes OSHA standards, the general duty clause, competent person and hazard identification; fulfills the requirements for the thirty-hour OSHA, CPR and First Aid certifications.
Prerequisite: Admission to upper-level in construction science; COSC 184.

COSC 689 – Advanced Construction Safety and Health Management (Spring)

An introduction to safety management and accident prevention, theoretical concepts and industry practices used to model, evaluate, and improve construction worker safety through the design of the project features, construction operations, and site safety program elements. Causes of construction site accidents, hazard recognition and comprehension, safety risk valuation and mitigation, and the true costs of injuries and fatalities. The role of technology in enhancing safety and health management.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing

The University of Alabama
  • CE 366 – Introduction to Construction Engineering(Fall)
  • CE 462/564 – Safety Engineering(Spring)
  • CE 466/566 – Sustainable and Lean Construction(Fall)

Oregon State University 

  • CEM 342: Construction Estimation II (Spring 2018)
  • CEM 472: Mechanical Facilities (Winter 2018)
  • CCE 101: Civil and Construction Engineering Orientation (Fall 2017)
  • CE 424/524 Contracts and Specifications (Winter 2017; 2015)
  • CE 424/524 Contracts and Specifications (Spring 2015)
  • CEM 381: Structures I (Spring 2014)
  • CE420/520: Engineering Planning (Winter 2014)